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Ability to select / deselect photos in folder

#1 br0n

Apologies if I've missed a way to do this but I'd like the ability to select or deselect multiple images from a folder when opening LRTimelapse, rather than being forced to move images between folders.

#2 Gunther
You cannot "deselect" images in a form that they are not being used for the time lapse.
This would be too risky, since you would have to "deselect" the exact same images in Lighroom too then, this would cause a huge messe.
Therefore the concept of LRTimelapse is, that you have only the images for the actual sequence in that folder.
You could easily use the "Create new folder from selecion" feature in the context menu to bring unwanted images into a new folder, just use the original folder name and suffix it with "outtakes" or similar.
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#3 br0n
I understand your point, but one simple solution to prevent a mess in Lightroom would be to just star all selected images in LRTimelapse with one star, which would then make it easy to select the same images in Lightroom. This would also allow users to easily select and process or reprocess a section of their timelapse that was showing issues such as flicker. I notice this is a topic that's been mentioned here several times before.
#4 Gunther
No, the stars are already taken for the keyframes. It's like it is for reasons and this is something I'm not going to change.
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