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#1 stefgodin
Hi Gunther

Can you tell me what is the color profil of the visual preview of LRT4 ? (SRGB or adobe RGB ?)
Colors look different and more saturated there as in lightroom.

#2 Gunther
The visual previews are currently not color managed at all. Just don't take the colors as granted there.
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#3 stefgodin
HI Gunther

I can not get the same color aspect from lightroom to final video with LRT export plugin.
When I render a video from intermediates LRT files with "Sequence" (a small mac software) in pro res 4444, colors are OK but when I use LRT4 render video (because I love your motion blur filter !) colors don't look like my Lightroom files. They are desaturated in final video.
Here's a screen shoot from quicktime windows. (left "LRT4", right "sequence")

What are your colors settings to get the same result from lightroom to final video ?
Cheers !

#4 Gunther
Did you use Motion Blur Plus on that sequence? If so, MPB indeed might alter colors and contrasts a bit. Please make the comparison without MBP activated.
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#5 stefgodin
Yes your right. MBP change color and saturation...
Without MPB, results are closer to original jpg files.

MPB get more contrast, (black darker), less yellow (more blue) and less saturation on files.
No way to correct that ?
#6 stefgodin
Hi Gunther

Why on your video on MBP
colors look the same between "off" and "on" MBP mode ?
In my case difference is huge...
#7 Gunther
Sorry I don't know. Normally differences are very subtile. There is no way to change this, because it's the way how MBP works.
Please make sure to have the latest version of the renderer installed, if in doubt, just reinstall LRTimelapse in the latest version.
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