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Complete reset (restart processing)?

#1 BobB
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to the forum and to timelapse. I started using LRTimelapse and LR4, and have had lots of fun, but along the way I also made some errors. What do I do to "reset" the entire image set back to before LRTimelapse initialized the metadata? (I assume that all I need to do in LR4 is reset the set like I normally do when I'm not using LRTimelapse.)
Mr. Wegner: thank you for a very useful program.

#2 Gunther
Hi, you could reset everything in Lightroom or you could as well simly re-initialize in LRTimelapse. Another option would be to clear the Metadata in LRTimelapse (Metadata/Clear Metadata).
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#3 BobB
Thank you. I'll give it a try.

...also check out: