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Dealing with light halos

#1 Jamesparsons74
I am lapsing with a Canon 6D which tends to capture light halos around dark objects against a lighter background. When I used the camera for still photos, I would remove these by reducing clarity in LR with the brush tool in the affected parts of the image. However for time-lapse, I understand the brush tool can be animated in a sequence but cannot be moved from frame to frame? How else can one deal with these halos? Thank you.
#2 Gunther
Never heard about the necessity to do this, I had 6D too, but this never happened to me.
Anyway, if you don't find another way to deal with this (there must be one, but I cannot recommend without seeing this, maybe you could share an image) then the brush would have to be static at the same place for all images.
This means that won't work when you use motion control.
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