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DSLRD fail- again..

#1 DaveHi50
After a long trek into the mountains to catch MilkyWay shot. I had everything set up and ready as the Milky Way started to rise. I had my Canon 1DX connected to a TB3 and started the program....no DSLRD. It would not connect. Then it would but I wasn't able to see the controls or see the images as they were taken. This is unbelievably frustrating- to say the least.
I had been able to use the latest version after flashing my router and had been using it for holy grail shots for over a month now, then all of a sudden this happens. I have a Nexus 7. Is anyone aware of updates to the android operating system that would cause this? I believe the last time this happened it was caused by a kitkat update to the operating system.
I have had so many shots ruined like this. Is there a way to have a more reliable connection to DSLRD? If wireless fails can it be connected via USB? Are there any tethered or un- tethered ways to control a camera during time-lapse?
#2 Gunther
My Workshop participants and I are using the new qDslrDashboard all the time and having great success with it. It nealy never crashes. We use it via USB, TPLink and native Canon 6D Wifi - it just works.
You will find the latest version here: http://dslrdashboard.info
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#3 DaveHi50
I had been using DSLRD successfully up until this weekend. Well it would crash on occasions and was somewhat glitchy but usable.
This latest episode was different. I could not get DSLR work properly- at all....
I guess my questions are:
Was there an upgrade to kit-kat that would affect DSLRD?

Is it possible for DSLRD to become corrupted ?

I have never tried using DSLRD via USB ( I should have and will experiment with this ). Has anyone tried the Canon wireless hotshot adapter for the 1DX with DSLRD?

Thanks in advance for any help.
#4 DaveHi50
I was able to duplicate and solve this issue.
While shooting I had connected my camera to a TB3 and programed the shot. I started the TB3. I then connected the DSLRD and tried to connect. The TB3 and/or camera was not allowing this. The way to fix this was to shut down the TB3 and restart the camera ( turning off the on). This seemed to clear whatever issue that was preventing connection.
In the future I will connect the TB3 after connecting to DSLRD.

Hope this helps.

...also check out: