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Filter by Shutter/ISO

#1 obox
Long time user, first time poster!

Over the course of many years editing long-term timelapse videos, I've noticed a pattern with our timelapse shooting settings and the processing in LRTimelapse.

No matter the environment or the timelapse project, I know that a shot roughly with a shutter speed less than 1/80 and an ISO over 1250 isn't going to work within the project as a whole. The problem lies within the Luminance, Contrast, Hue Filters - A shot with a shutter speed of 1/30 at 1250 ISO has a luminance of 0.511 but sticks out like a sore thumb. Whereas a shot with a shutter speed of 1/400 at 400 ISO has a luminance of 0.514 and fits like a glove in the video. No amount of filter manipulation will separate the two (keep/remove) so I have to manually scroll through and remove those photos that I know won't "work"

So while luminance/contrast/hue can tell the story, it can't tell the difference between a really overpowering ray of sunshine on a road and a thick layer of snow on a cloudy day. Statistically they're the same - visually they aren't.

I would absolutely LOVE the ability to filter by Shutter Speed and ISO.

LRTimelapse is an amazing tool, thank you Gunther!!
#2 Gunther
Thanks for bringing this up, this is a good idea, I will think about it!
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