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Holy Grail transition issues

#11 Afitch80
I also had this problem on one of my clips. My problem boiled down to that I had an non ascii character in the name of the folder my raw files where in. Due to the non ascii character lrtimelapse couldn't read the exif data and couldn't correctly correct the 2* and 3* star frames.
#12 Jason
Matching color of 2*/3* frames.

Hello all.
I am fairly new to LRTimelapse but am having a similar issue to some people on this thread - when I match the 2*/3* changes in exposure using either the LR 'Match total exposure' or using the automatic LRT method, I get good matches in exposure, but the colors are often different. I have no idea why this happens (I shoot completely manually and no change in white balance, but the color changes with the change in exposure).

My question is how other people are dealing with this. Gunther's post #2 in this thread only seems to deal with slight manual adjustments of exposure only of the 2*/3* frames. I can get the frames fairly close manually with hue/saturation/luminance adjustments of individual colors, but how do I ensure that things get auto transitioned correctly with the HG workflow?

#13 Gunther
When using the HG workflow, you can only adjust exposure from 2* to 3* since the other settings will be animated globaly according to the 4* keyframes in the 2nd step.

Those changes in color ore mostly due to blown color channels. For example in a sunset the red channes tends to get blown (overexposed) very easily.

You might try to recover the highlights by dragging the highlights slider way to the left for the whole sequence (do this in the first pass when editing the keyframes). This will help a bit. When rendering you can use the new "LRT Plus Motion Blur" to further smooth thigs out.

But best is to avoid that overexposing when shooting next time.
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#14 Joost
Hey all,

First off: just (finally!) upgraded to LRT3 a month or so ago. Great update, thanks Gunther!

I really like how much easier the holy grail timelapses have become. However, I find that the automatic step in exposure does not always give the best results. For example, with a 1/3 EV exposure change, LRT3 applies anywhere between 0.25 and 0.42 or so EV steps. In my previous (LRT2) workflow I found that for my cameras a integer multiple of 0.33 change in exposure value is often very accurate. Is there any way to force LRT3 to apply automatic 0.33(3333), 0.666 , 1 EV exposure changes instead of varying amounts? If not, is there any way to simplify this process so that I don't have to go back to my old method of manually calculating these steps and inputting them (essentially omitting LRT3's nice new capabilities)? Perhaps something for the settings menu?

Thanks a lot for any help!

EDIT: I find that especially in dark scenes the LRT3 jumps are noticeably off, while the exact 1/3 steps in exposure give me much smoother results.
#15 Gunther
Hi Joost,
currently there is no way to change this. LRTimelapse uses exact the same algorithm that Lightroom uses for matching exposures. It's what resembles the way Lightroom works. Howevery depending on the sequence, the camera used and the other edits that you did you might have to do some fine tuning.
Most of the times it's not just setting the adjustments bigger or smaller by a fixed ratio but I will consider allowing for global corrections in one of the next versions.
Currently you will have to correct the jumps that are off manually and then apply the "Auto Transition Special" with the option "2*/3*" again to correct the intermediate-images as well.
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2015-11-06, 11:24
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: