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Interval Variance?

#1 jonathanmitchellphotography
Looking to get some clarification and background as to what might cause this? I was shooting a 2hr milky way timelapse last night. After reviewing the footage I noticed big jumps in the sky towards the end of the lapse. LRTimelapse picked up some variations in my intervals which would explain this. Camera was set to 20 second exposures on an Emotimo TB3 which panned every 23 seconds. Any ideas on what might cause this and how to avoid this issue in the future? Could be caused by uneven power to the box?  


[Image: https://s31.postimg.org/magahdrx7/Screen..._59_PM.png]
#2 Gunther
If you set an interval of 23 secs with an exposure time of 20 secs, the 3 secs "dark time" might have been not enough. I don't know what you've set as "static time" in the emotimo, but you should know that emotimo blocks the camera during that static time. So better set it shorter as the interval.
This might help too to be able to work with shorter dark times: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-inte...-around-it
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#3 jonathanmitchellphotography
Thanks Gunther for the dark time info. I think this would be the case in my situation. My settings were 20 second exposure, 21.5 second static time, and 23 second interval. I didn't see the issues until 260 frames. Could it have taken that long to develop the problem? I was told by Emotimo that the static time should be double the exposure but I don't agree with that. If that were the case then my exposure would be 20 seconds, 40 second static, and 45-50 second interval... 

On a side note: The link had some very helpful tips. When shooting static TL with a regular intervalometer, I cannot change any exposure settings on the camera. This might be because the remote is also triggering the autofocus like the issues you presented in the video. I'm going to try your method on a spare remote.

...also check out: