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Key frames ** and *** does snot match

#1 StefanH
I recently Purchased LR Timelapse V3 and I am very exited about the new features. However, after having watched the "Holy Grail" tutorial and the other 2 before that, and followed all the instructions to the letter, my key frames ** and *** does snot match. Attempting to bring them closer together using "Settings" > "Match Total Exposure" had no effect at all, no change. Please advice. I was using a Nikon D300S. Please refer to attached sample pairs of key frames.
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Since the matching is done by reading out the ExifData and appying the calculated change to the images, there is no guarantee that you will get 100% results. It mostly depends on how accurate your camera really exposes to the values that it writes into the exif data.
If your adjustments are off you will have to manually fine tune with the exposure slider, that's normal.
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