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Left to right pan

#1 grwiffen
I am trying to setup a Timelapse sequence which pans from left to right.

According to the tutorials you adjust the crop in the keyframes and then use the auto-transition to 'animate' from one to the next.

I have done this now, 3 times, and LRT is not picking it up after the LR editing.

Can anyone help on this one please. I am following the workflow as I understand it, making the edits to the keyframes, saving the metadata and reloading in LRT. When I reload, the edits on cropping have been lost on the first set, but asre still there in the 2nd set, which makes it even more concerning.

Can you please help.
#2 Gunther
Please make sure to exactly follow the workflow with initializing etc... that normally will get you going.
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