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How to get in timelapse if photos originally downloaded in LR 5

#1 Stan Cunningham
Sorry if this some where else but before I became convinced I needed this software I was doing all my work in lightroom, hence all my originals were downloaded in LR.
I can't figure out how to import them into timelapse if the photos are in LR already.
Any help will be appreciated.
Should I just export them as tiff's to a file? LTR would not recognize them as tiffs but did as jpegs. Is this standard or will tiffs import after I get my license registered?

#2 Gunther
No, you don't have to import them at all into LRT. Just find the location of you images in the LRTimelapse folder tree and select that location there. It will load the sequence then. The LRTimelapse importer is only optional - if you don't want to import via Lightroom.
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