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Load Sequence from Lightroom, Sorting in LRT wrong

#1 Schebi
Hi Gunther,

i have actual buy the private version of LRT while i used and test it for over a year.
Now i want to make a new video.
I have export a sequence from my sundowner timelapse i made in denmark.
Names are ABC-X.jpg. X is a number from 1 to 275.
When i load it to LRT the sorting is wrong.
See the screenshot.
Is there any trick to solve this? Maybe my workflow is wrong.
If you need any other informations please contact me.
#2 Schebi
Sorry, i have fix this! I managed to export the files with filename: ABC-000X with 4 null präfix. After that the sorting in LRT is correct.
#3 Gunther
By default LRTimelapse does not sort by filename, it sorts by Date/Time if the exif data is correct. So please always wait for the whole sequence to load and initialize, then check the sorting, normally it's right then if the Exif Data is correct. You can change between Date/Time and Filename sort with the checkbox above the table.
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Lightroom 6
2015-04-26, 09:54
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: