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LR are reading metadata (exposure) to only some images

#1 nikonman05
I made a timelapse in LRT and LR with over 2500 images. After i have reloaded, clicked Auto Transition and saved in LRT, i read metadata from files in LR. But LR is only reading metadata from image 1817 and to the end of sequence. I´m not able to read metadata (and we are only talking exposure-data here, the other metadata is fine) into the other images.
#2 Gunther
In Lightroom you must be in Grid-Mode (G) and than select everything (Ctrl.-A) to read the metadata for all images.

Try a reload after saving in LRTimelapse to be sure that everything has been correctly saved. Normally XMP-reading/writing in LRTimelapse is bulletproof and reliable. Lightroom sometimes has its problems (at least in LR3 - I'm not sure if they fixed it in LR4)
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#3 nikonman05
Did it all again, and the situation is the same: LR is only reading metadata (exposure) from LRT from image 1817 to the end. I also try to read metadata to only one file, but nothing happens. In LRT all seems fine, the exposure has a fine transition through all images.
I´m using LR4 and Mac LionX

#4 Gunther
I would try to fully reinitialize the metadata in LRTimelapse (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-I) and start over. Might help.
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#5 nikonman05
I wonder if this has to do with the 2012-process version. It dont work with the 2012-process, but is ok with 2010-version. Its a pity, because the 2012-process is much better on night images which is the case here.

I had to remove all the timelapseimages from disk, and import from scratch.

I´m using the LRT 1.8 by the way

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