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LR Timelapse vs GB Timelapse

#1 BigSteel
Hi folks,

Sorry for what may not be an entirely appropriate and/or already-answered question (searched, but only found references to GB DeFlicker...) on these forums, but here we go...

As the subject line says, what are the differences between these two?

I've followed both these products for years, and used to shoot quite a lot of timelapse 7 or 8 years ago, but haven't done a lot since then.
Both products feature computer connectivity, de-flickering (although GB offers a separate app for this? Even though the regular Time Lapse app seems to offer it...?), etc.
GB used ND filters for holy grail, whereas LR uses hands-on changing of exposure settings...(although I suppose the same techniques could be used for both?)
AFAIK LR might have better implementation of key framing (everything, it seems).

I have access to the full Adobe suite, as well as FCPX, so I'm not lacking in software options.

Any insight would be appreciated!
#2 Gunther
As far as I know, GBTimeapse is a Software that helps you shooting Holy Grail timelapses. You'll run it while shooting. Therefore it competes with solutions like qDslrDashboard or Timelapse+ View.
LRTimelapse is an Application that will help you when editing - it allows to Keyframe your edits on a Raw-File basis, Deflickers, Smoothes Holy Grail sequences, renders your videos etc. So even when using GBTimelapse for shooting, you will take profit of LRTimelapse for editing.
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#3 BigSteel
Alrighty, thanks Gunther!
It's easy enough to stand by the camera and manually change settings during the actual shooting. It seems like GB can help automate the shooting process.
I'll have to give the LR demo another go with a new set of images.
#4 Gunther
If you are shooting on Canon, Sony, Nikon you could use qDslrDashboard / ControlMyCamera to to the Holy Grail Ramping on the camera. It runs on Smartphones and Tablets, while GBTimelapse needs a full featured laptop. See my tutorial, where I explain how to do it: https://lrtimelapse.com/gear/dslrdashboard/
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