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LRT intervalometer and Canon EOS M1

#1 tcannon
I have the first EOS M produced which does not have the trigger port built in. I do however have Magic Lantern installed and can trigger the camera through the mic port as long as it receives a sound. Has anyone had success with using the DIY LRT inetervalometer? Can it be programmed to create a sound for the trigger so that I can use ML trigger hack? TIA
#2 Gunther
This should be possible with the arduino - that's the cool thing with the LRT Pro Timer free, that anyone can extend its possibilities. I'm sure you'll find enough information online about on how to do this. Keep us posted about your success!
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#3 c_joerg
Is not that disturbing with the noise?
The EOS M can also be triggered via an IR remote control or?
With a simple IR diode you can do that with an ARDUINO.
#4 tcannon
c_joerg yes you're correct about the IR but not sure how I'd setup the system on the camera if it were on a slider for TL? I'd have to hang the IR diode on top of the camera? You can't hear the noise, it's plugged into the mic, the camera "hears" it not the user.
#5 c_joerg
On my camera is the receiver on the front. It would be enough if the diode is fixed firmly in the front of the slider.
I once saw a source code for ARDUINO where you can trigger virtually any camera that supports infrared.
#6 Sheeba
.. that sounds interesting. In my firmware for the Pro Timer a second camera port is provided. This can be configured as a 2nd camera port or as a sensor input. Extending this feature to switch an IR diode is just a few changes in my script.
Details see here:
Would that be interesting for you?
#7 Sheeba
.. I have checked what would be necessary to control an EOS M via Ir and have found that!
So it's a bit more than just turning on the IR diode, but doable!
#8 Sheeba
Since this is certainly interesting for other owners of an EOS M, I would be ready to implement the function in my script. Do you have a pro timer free? If not, I can offer you one including IR Transmitter.
#9 c_joerg
I have an ARDUINO IR driver for all Cameras. I haven't even tested it yet. Since he is not keen on me, I can not share here. Send it to your E-Mail if you want....

...also check out: