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Lens P enabled for keyframes only

#1 MMcKeag
After completing full Visual Workflow in LRT 4.4 (OS X 10.10.5) and playing visual preview noticed distortion "blinks" which upon investigation turned out to be due to lens profiles enabled for keyframes only, never enabled for the rest of the frames. After some (careful and systematic) fooling around back and forth between LR and LRT finally just gave up and in LR took the brute force approach and synched lens profile from first keyframe to the rest of the frames and launched export of master JPEGs (still in progress). Not the first time I've applied lens profile. Worked normally before. Anyone  recognize operator error that  may  lead to this result?
#2 Gunther
Normally LRTimelapse should populate the lens profile when applying the auto transition - hard to say, what happened there. Please keep an eye on it and let me know, should you be able to reproduce it.
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#3 MMcKeag
Just finished processing new sequence shot this morning. LRT behavior normal this time. This time paid close attention after editing keyframes in LR, then returning to LRT and reloading metadata, lens P columns showed lens P applied only to keyframes as it should at this point. Then executed auto-transition and save. At that point saw lens P values being populated for all frames, but this was a very brief glimpse before the table display changed format and those columns were no longer displayed. Played visual preview confirming lens P values had been applied properly. Yesterday, the lens P columns remained displayed and lens P values were never applied to the rest of the frames. The error occurred at the save. Perhaps I thought I clicked Save, but it did not execute and I proceeded to the next steps naively. Very new to  LRT, but getting to know it rapidly.
#4 Gunther
LRT will by default hide columns that have equal values. But you can always uncheck the tick on "Hide unchanged columns" to see all of them.
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#5 djoubert
Actually, It seems that I have the same issue that described in this post. The lens profile is not taking into account.
I have this issue with the 4.7.4 release. ( on some other sequences I checked it was working properly, it was with the previous release )
to prevent the deflicker step to take into account the keyframe with the profil lense against the other generated frame without, I reloaded without the lens profile, and I will apply lens profile once all the frame are saved in LR.
If you have any idea about some test I could do to highlight this situation?
Best regards
#6 Gunther
Hi Dominique, Lens Profiles will work. They always have and I've not changed anything about this. You just have to make sure that the same lens profile is set on all Keyframes. Normally, you set it to the very first, then as you populate the edits to the subsequent Keyframes via the sync script, they will automatically get the same corrections.
However for your sequence you might want to manually synchronize the lens profile (and only that) to the whole sequence. After doing this, save metadata for the whole sequence and re export.

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#7 djoubert
Hi Gunther,
Sorry to have submitted this situation I met,
Your guess was the right one,
One of my keyframe was without the lens profile enable....
( time to time within Lightroom I miss a keyframe discovering later that I flagged it without to want to flag it ...)
Every thing is working perfectly !
Thank you
PS : Thank to LRtimelapse Which help me to realize the timelapse which won the 2016 nightscape awards ....
#8 Gunther
Great that everything is working. And congratulations to the award!
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