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LRTL Window goes wonky

#1 Dana Nield

Having an issue. When I mouse over the GUI, the screen starts to refresh at each point the mouse moves. I hope that makes sense. 

Here is a screen shot. Updated Java and my drivers are pretty much up to date. Doesn't happen with any other software.


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#2 Gunther
This is definitely a problem with java and something on your system. Please uninstall everything related to java and install only the latest java from the link provided here: http://lrtimelapse.com/install
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#3 Dana Nield
Gunther, you IT Genius, it worked! Take a fiver from petty cash and the rest of the day off!


#4 Dana Nield
Arg.... Spoke too soon, you're still an IT genius, but.....

Seems that when I switch windows, the issue occurs. I did some work in LRTL, and the issue didn't arise. I switched to Chrome and then switched back and BOOM...
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#5 Dana Nield

Stupid Logitech G5 Mouse. Disconnected it, used the touchpad and the issue disappeared.

I guess I'm shopping for a new mouse....
#6 Gunther
Okay, interesting to know about the logitech mouse. Did you try updating the driver?
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#7 Dana Nield
I did, and that seemed to do the trick. Going to do some more testing. 

The issue, I think, seemed to start after loading a folder and then starting any action that caused changes to spreadsheet area.... Again I think.... my testing days are about a decade behind me but things are coming back quickly.
#8 Dana Nield
Here are the results of my tests. Sorry that I didn't do this at first, as a former support engineer, I should know better!

Steps applied with Logitech G5 Mouse:
1. Open LRTL.
2. Open folder, load photos, select keyframes, save.
3. Open LR, import folder, select keyframes, make edits, save metadata.
4. Switch to LTRL.
5. Kaboom. See above screenshot.
6. Uninstall Logitech Software and drivers. Reboot.

Steps applied with touchpad.
1. Open LRTL.
2. Open folder, load photos, select keyframes, save.
3. Open LR, import folder, select keyframes, make edits, save metadata.
4. Switch to LTRL.
5. Everythings fine, proceeds to final render without issue.

Reboot, plug in Dell no-frills USB 2.0 mouse.
1. Open LRTL.
2. Open folder, load photos, select keyframes, save.
3. Open LR, import folder, select keyframes, make edits, save metadata.
4. Switch to LTRL.
5. Kaboom, screen goes bonkers.

This isn't mission critical for me, so please don't waste your weekend on it. That said, would like to be able to use the mouse, eventually.

This is on a Samsung 700G7C running Win 10 Home, Intel® Core™ i7-3630QM CPU with 16 GB of ram.
Can email the system info file if that would help.


#9 Gunther
Hi Dana, It's a most likely a problem with the Java Virtual Machine and something on your computer. LRTimelapse itself does only run inside that virtual machine, with no direct access to hardware or drivers. I hope, you can find out what's interfering there.

You could try the latest Java 7, you can download it from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/j...80261.html
Download the file "jre-7u80-windows-x64.exe" from the very bottom of the list. Uninstall the Java 8 first, before installing this one.
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#10 Dana Nield
I thought that might be the case. No worries, it works which is the main thing!

Will install 7 when I get home and report back. If it works, great, if not, again, no worries.


...also check out: