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Matching 2 stars 3 stars

#1 joesaade
Hello There,
So i'm trying to make a holy grail timelapse with the sun inside my frame. mut im having trouble matching the 2 stars with the 3 stars photos. Is there any specific workflow for that ? its always the three stars getting a flatter look than the second no matter what i adjust its still not getting there... Any suggestions please
#2 Gunther
If you have blown highlights, like with the sun in the frame you will never get a 100% matching - in those cases I recommend to underexpose to keep the blown highlights as low as possible, and use smaller adjustments like 1/3rd or 1/2 stops.
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#3 joesaade
One more question please
After doing the holy grail matching on Lrtimelapse the 2 stars and 3 stars arent really matching - Am i only suppose to use the exposure to match it manually or can i use contrast highlights etc.
#4 Gunther
If you use "Match total Exposures" (Basic workflow) in Lightroom you can use the other slider as well as long as you are not using the "Holy Grail Tab" - for doing the adjustments automatically (and separating from the non-exposure adjustments). So if you change other settings then exposure between 2 and 3 stars, use the auto transition from the "Basic Workflow", not the "Auto transition Special" from the holy grail tab.
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#5 joesaade
Okay thanks a lot That was really helpful

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