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max and min luma to calculate transitions.

sometimes cross birds are backlit and black. That transition black change much because it detects the black as a value to calculate and produce a flicker.
so does some reflections all white, firing calculations and produce luma flicker in the sequence.

You can add a minimum and maximum values ​​to discriminate and not considered in the render?

Gracias Smile
Y disculpas por mi mal inglés.
#2 Gunther
I understand that you are talking about the deflickering. Please use the reference area to set a proper reference, like I explained it in the deflicker tutorial (see tutorials).
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Well, but the birds cross some time and break the luma.
the area selected is crossed by birds.

#4 Gunther
There is not too much I can do about that - choose another area ;-)
Always remember it's better to take care of flickering while shooting, then you don't need to deflicker!
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