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Bug in version 4.4

#1 NobilisBellator
Hello Gunther I upgraded to Version 4.4 and today I was going thru my normal workflow LR to LRT and I came across a very unusual behavior. This never happened in previous versions and it's the first time I see this. I often shoot in bracketed mode with three exposure -2 0 +2 for HDR but often I like to use the normal exposure only so I copy the normal exposed sequence to a folder and do what I have to do. Today this one sequence (don't know if it will happen on others) amongst many similar sequences I have been working on these past days was showing peaks in the blue line see screen grad attached and at first I thought humm that's strange I had not noticed anything wrong with the sequence and when I scrolled the images in LR I could not see any peaks of light. So I proceeded anyway with the usual workflow but when I got to the end of the process and watched the Preview playback with the edited images wow what I realized is that LRT was previewing images out of order at every one of those peaks you see. But in the screen to the right in LRT all seems normal and the sequence is in the correct order even if the numbering sequence is not 1,2,3,4,4 etc etc but the numbers from the bracketed sequence in camera. 

So i proceeded to make a copy of the contents of that folder into a new folder renaming the images in a true sequential order as you can see in the second screen grab and everything worked fine and as usual. 

This never happened before and it was convenient because I did not have to rename my sequence and contrary to After Effects where if you import a sequence that does not have sequential numbers you can tell it to force alphabetic order in LRT I never had to worry about it until this sequence. I can live with having to rename my sequence but perhaps you can find out why this happens now and never happend in the previous versions of LRT.

My system is Mac version 10-10-5
LR is Creative Cloud 2015 latest updates

LRT is Pro version
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Hi, maybe something with the previews got screwed up. In that case you can just renew the previews with Shift-F5. After that everything should be fine again. Renaming the files probably only caused the same to happen: new previews have been generated.
I'm quite sure it has nothing to do with the 4.4 upgrade.
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#3 NobilisBellator
Well what do you know...hehehe just as you said it. We learn things every day...!

Thanks for the quick reply.

...also check out: