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Problems with filters, etc.

#1 SamRhoads
I have just started and cannot get my first bunch of images finished. I did get through page 53 of the e-book, and now want to use LRtimelapse (LRT). I thought I installed it. I'm on a Mac. I did install the popups. I made sure the "Store presets ..." was NOT checked. I made sure the "Automatically ..." box was NOT checked. I initialized the images, as directed. Since I had already gone through the non-LRT stuff, Lightroom did think I was wrong.

I could not tell if "ExifTool" and "ffmpeg" were green or not. They were there, but surely not bright green. (I am a little red-green colorblind.)

The first thing that made me feel that all was not well was when I tried to go to the filter list, as directed, and "choose LRT-All keyframes". There were no choices there. The only thing I saw was "No filters". And when I tried to edit the keyframes, I could not see the middle one (no star). And, whenever I made a change to the first keyframe, it seemed that LR was changing all the rest.

Later, I was not able to go to "LRT Full Sequence" in the filter selection box. No filters.

I did not see any LRTimelapse presets in the Presets tab.

And, I never saw "Render instantly, using last settings" anywhere.

How do I uninstall and start over? Can I just try to install it again on top or do I need to drag a bunch of files to the trash?

THANKS, in advance,

#2 Gunther
Hi Sam,
it seems that the Addons are not properly installed.

Please check the faq entry and install the Addons again.
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#3 SamRhoads
It's working now. I (stupidly) used the same .dmg file to try to install LRT on my Mac Mini and on my Apple Air. That wasn't a good idea!

...also check out: