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#1 Thorpe1
QDSLR is great love it for most Holy Grails and have been playing around with NTC feature also works well. Except when I try in an urban environment with bright lights from a buiding/clocks etc. This creates points of over exposure, I have tried turning off NTC and also selecting a smaller "region" in qDSLR - but using auto holy grail the ISO just keeps pushing higher and I end of up with blow highlights. What do I need to tweak here for more success? Reference Value? Thanks
#2 Gunther
Normally in urban areas, I set the maximum ISO/Shutterspeed etc. in such way that ramping stops when the artificial lights are starting to clip - if you don't know exactly when that is, stop the ramping manually then if you can. You can then remember the values for the next time. Mostly they will always be similar.
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#3 Thorpe1
Ha that makes sense - thanks. Love LRT 6.0 btw nice update. Saving up for a bigger SSD....

...also check out: