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Shifted histogram even though exposure settings are the same

#1 Morghus
(x-post from http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.p...7#msg60247 Magic Lantern now features an ETTR mode where the camera will automatically adjust exposure settings in pre defined constraints)

Hi! I tried this feature last weekend and it worked well - it kept ETTRing all night and it resulted in this:


post processed using LRTimelapse, After Effects and GBDeflicker but as you can see I was not fully able to remove flickering, during the transitions there's still some flicker left and yes, I adjusted the frames that have different exposure settings so there's no flickering.

Here's my problem: two frames with exactly the same exposure have a different histogram. I'll attach those two raw files so you can see:


As you can see shutter speed was slow so it should not be caused by shutter flicker neither should it be aperture flicker because I unscrewed the lens while holding down the DOF button. Of course I can fix these two frames manually but there are many like these and they are hard to find, and neither GBDeflicker nor LRTimelapse were able to detect and remove it automatically. It's driving me crazy - is there some setting I forgot?

I was using a 650D with a EF 10-22mm lens.
#2 Gunther
I looked at your images. The problem is, that the whitebalance is totally off so that the blue channel is blown. Maybe not in the RAW files, but in the JPG preview - and that Preview is the one that LRTimelapse uses for deflicker - so this isn't working.

There is however a way to correct the previews.

Set the white balance to a neutral value (I had to increase Temp all the way to 50000 - I don't know what is wrong with your files but however) - you will see the histogram getting rid of that blue clipping then. Now synchronize the white balance to all images in Lightroom, don't make any other changes.
Now convert the whole image sequence to DNG - this will embed the new preview with corrected WB into the DNGs.
Load the folder in LRTimelapse, make sure that the previews are reloaded (Shift F5 to rebuild previews if it doesn't happen automatically). Then use the deflicker to get rid of the flickering. Make sure to set the reference are to a big area in the sky.
Good luck.
And check you WB settings when shooting next time, turn off all in Camera edits etc. to get decent previews!
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#3 Morghus
Thanks for the elaborate reply! I am not at my PC at the moment but I'll try it as soon as I get the chance, it sounds promising
#4 Morghus
Alright, I did everything like you told me and deflickering worked much better now. Thanks!
I still had to fix some flickering by hand in lightroom but it wasn't so bad.

However, I experienced some strange behavior when the keyframes are close together while interpolating the transitions if the changes are big. I can send you the XMP files so you can try it out yourself. Anyway, here's the result: http://youtu.be/X9qrrC38wP0 Now I just need a soundtrack...
#5 Payam
I have the same problem. but my files WB are the same and exif too. The exposure has difference about 0.2 stop.
#6 Gunther
Hi Morghus,
video link does not work.
Take care not to set the adjustemts to close to each other - leave at least 10 frames inbetween, if possible!
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#7 Payam
I think the HG can't fix my problem, can it? because the exif of shots is same.
#8 Gunther
If the exif data does not reflect the changes, Holy Grail Wizard will not work.
You will then have to use the old way of manual adjusting, like I explained it in the Basic and Deflicker tutorials.
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