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#1 vanfilm
Hi Gunther,

My sequence is a bit of a mess.

The first half was shot on one memory card, a new card was put in, but the image numbering was lower than the first, so my photos were labelled incorrectly.

When I initialized my photos I was happy to find that they were in the proper shooting order in LRTimelapse, but when I set my keyframes and opened up Lightroom, they were back to the improper order, making it near impossible to edit my keyframes. Not to mention when I rendered out the video it was incorrectly grouped.

Is it possible to group the photos in lightroom the same way they are grouped in LRTimelapse, by the exifdata date and time shot?

Thank You
#2 Gunther
Yes, in Lightroom press "T" to show the toolbar - then select "Capture Time" as sorting order.
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