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To change settings in LR, or not to change settings in LR... that is the question

#1 mntbloom

LOVE LR Timelapse. Couldn't live without it. Same with QDSLR... totally integrated into every bit of my workflow.

So... here's my question. I understand that in Holy Grail workflow, I should never change the Exposure in Lightroom, but I can change everything else? Can I change the exposure in a gradient?

I was poking around the forums today, and I noticed that you had replied to a post that certain settings do not ramp - you called out clarity, vibrance and "etc." What are the "etc.s"? And are there settings that would be better left unchanged? I'm trying to improve the look of my work - and now that I "get" LR Timelapse, I really want to understand it.

Thanks again for a great (and very well supported) product!!!!

Michael Bloom
#2 Gunther
Hi Michael,
You can of course change Exposure on the Gradients, as long, as you use the gradients precreated by LRTimelapse.

It's not that the non-linear settings like clarity, blacks, shadows, highlights don't ramp - they ramp pretty well. But Lightroom applies them in a context sensitive manner. So the content of the image will affect, how those tools behave. This might introduce some flicker, especially for HG sequences where the Brightness of adjacent images changes.
Normally I edit my sequences without paying too much attention to that. Certainly I try to avoid overdoing those tools (especially clarity). If I can't get a smooth result at all I do only the very basic brightness adjustments in the first pass and then export the sequence and continue the rest of the processing as a second pass on that exported sequence (like 2 pass deflickering).

Hope I could help,
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