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Variables changing to 'LINEAR' when using auto-keyframes.

#1 Gbettison

I've already ran the CR2s through the software a few times for test renders, worked fine. During the first few renders, I had two different crops set, because the camera had moved slightly during shooting, so I aligned them in LR, it rendered that fine despite warning me that it can "equalise" crops to which I pressed no.

I've now decided to fix the movement using AE, so just want to reset the crop altogether, but whenever I reset the crop in Lightroom and then save the metadata, LRT3 either won't read the reset crop to zero (but will read it when it set it to extremes to test whether LRT3 is reading the new metadata), or it will read it (as zero) but when I press the auto-keyframe button, it makes all my other parameters (contrast, WB, etc) go to "LINEAR" in LRT3 and pretty much removes all my toning and grading!

Any help as to why it's making all my other settings change to 'LINEAR' would be greatly appreciated, as I've tried everything I can think of and it just isn't having any of it!

#2 Gbettison
Can anyone even tell me what the values changing to LINEAR mean?
#3 Gunther
I think the metadata might be corrupted. Please iintialize the sequence (metadata/initialize) and start over.
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