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#1 Olivia

I'm new to LR Timelapse and I'm getting stuck with the white balance adjustments. The footage I have has the white balance changed from auto to shade half way through. I follow the LRTimelapse workflow and adjust the white balance on the key frames but when LR timelapse automates it and makes it 'flow' through all the images it doesn't look like what I adjusted it to. Even the keyframes that were originally adjusted don't look right.

Any advice will be much appreciated!

#2 Gunther
Is that a JPG sequence? White balance changes on JPGs are always "simulated" in Lightroom, because the original WB has alread been "rendered" into the images. One of the reasons not to use JPG. With RAW, no WB is applied directly into the image, instead WB will be applied in Lightroom.
Please shoot RAW next time and you would not have to bother with any WB settings during shooting. Just make the WB settings then on the keyframes and calculate the transitions with LR.
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