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Wrong LRTExport Plugin after going back from LRT5 to LRT4

#1 nolen77
Had LRT 4 and 3. Working perfectly, no problems for years. Like a fool, clicked on update to LRT5. Not even thinking I would have to pay. Had to delete it and reinstall LRT 4. Ever since I have not been able to complete a TL. Sit for an hour for it to go through Lightroom only for it to say "not the version to use with this" or something to that effect. After Lightroom renders it used to auto magically open in LRT for the final render. I tried the manual route but it can't even find the TL. This is so frustrating to go from something that worked liked clockwork to having to spend hours troubleshooting this crap. Trying my luck with Final Cut now.
#2 Gunther
Most likely you didn't uninstall LRT5 and the new LRT5 Plugin is still installed in your Lightroom.

To be on the safe side, check the Lightroom Plugin Manager, deactivate the LRTExport 5 Plugin and reinstall LRT4. Restart Lightroom and check the Pluginmanager again, it will tell you, if the LRTExport 4 Plugin is being installed.

Sorry for your troubles, but it's stated clearly on the website, that LRT5 is a payed upgrade (all major versions are) and that you should uninstall any different major version via the uninstaller before installing another one.
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