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White balance shift - Nikon Z6

#1 nilsen
Hello everyone,
I have been using DSLRDashboard to shoot holy-grail timelapse and have generally been quite successful however on a number of my sequences, I have the issue of a distinct shift in white balance (visible even on the histogram) but the settings are all generally the same.
I really can't figure out how to fix it, white-balance is set to custom and the shift is so gradual, I just cannot figure out why it happens.
Is there a way I can share pics here to show what it looks like?
Thank you for any help!
#2 Gunther
If you experience a sudden shift in the color appearance although the settings are the same, this might be introduced by Lightroom. See the expert tips tutorial #5 for an explanation why this happens and how to deal with it:
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#3 nilsen
Thanks Gunther,
I had actually watched that video, but I missed the part about the Adobe Colour profiles.
It was the combination of that and clarity which was causing it.
#4 Gunther
Thanks for letting us know that this helped!
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