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Android Phone or Tablet for Qdslr?

#1 Anamorphic702
Sorry if this has been covered already. I need to upgrade my phone and was thinking android to control my canon mark iii for HG time-lapse etc..
Is there a big difference between controls and settings from phone to tablet? Or is it just the size of the screen that makes it better for a tablet?
What should I buy, what models of phone or tablet are currently ideal for qdslr? I'm also considering wireless and getting the router to attach to my camera if that makes any difference.
#2 Gunther
Hi, you can use a tablet or phone, both works. The bigger screen on the tablet makes working a bit more comfortable, but I often use both when working with 2 cameras, and have no problem with the phone.
But you should get one with Full-HD screen, I use the Nexus 5 (if you can get one, go for it - it's been discontinued a couple of weeks ago, but you should be able to get one still.
For Tablets, I'd recommend the Nexus 7, it's rather cheap and has a high resolution as well - an it's not too big, so you can carry it easily. Both work really well with qDslrDashboard, via USB and Wifi. No Prob.
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#3 Anamorphic702
thanks for the quick reply! I was also thinking about the DynamicPerception NMX Controller since I have the their full stage one/R rig but thats quite a bit more money, although that set up looks sick along with their new app...

...also check out: