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#1 RL1961
Hi. I'm new to this and have just made my first movie. I downloaded the e-book and followed the instructions: manual settings, shot in raw, 2s interval for moving clouds and coastal scene. Sequence rendered ok and I played it back in movie maker (I am a pc user). I shot on a Canon 7dmkii - small quality raw. The playback quality is poor and doesn't appear to be HD. Also a faint curtain draws across the scene, mid-sequence. I used the auto key frame function. Out of 400 frames, LRT identified 2 key frames, one at the beginning and one at the end of the sequence. Any help please on how to improve playback quality and to address the exposure issue? Thank you for your help. Richard
#2 Gunther
Did you export with the LRTimelapse video rendering?
If so try 1080p with medium quality. Then play back with a decent video player best would be media player classic (mpc): http://mpc-hc.org/
The rendering quality should be very good.
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