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1.5 ß version : can't save

#1 ridindave
Hello there,

I've just tried latest 1.5ß, and unfortunately, I can't save nothing.
Here is a console copy. I don't get a thing, except 'Couldn't save' that is quite explicite!

ps : I'm on holidays, with very erratic access to internet, so I might be around... or not. Hope this console output will help...

03/08/11 23:46:01 [0x0-0x1b81b8].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[2034] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/dave/.lrtimelapse/stubs/-749238455/._MG_0001.jpg (No such file or directory)
03/08/11 23:46:01 [0x0-0x1b81b8].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[2034] at java.io.RandomAccessFile.open(Native Method)
03/08/11 23:46:01 [0x0-0x1b81b8].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[2034] at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:216)
03/08/11 23:46:01 [0x0-0x1b81b8].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[2034] at javax.imageio.stream.FileImageOutputStream.<init>(FileImageOutputStream.java:53)
03/08/11 23:46:01 [0x0-0x1b81b8].lrtimelapse.LRTimelapseApp[2034] at com.sun.imageio.spi.FileImageOutputStreamSpi.createOutputStreamInstance(FileImageOutputStreamSpi.java:37)
#2 Gunther
Dave, there seem to be a Problem that LRTimelapse can't write the stub-file (little cached preview introduced in 1.5):

Could you have a look if there are any stubs created? (something in stubs/*)
Is .lrtimelapse and its subfolders writeable?

Normally that shouldn't occurr, I'm going to look into it.
Meanwhile I suggest turning off the caching feature:

Please edit the file:
and add the following line:


That should get you up and running.

Nice holidays,
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#3 ridindave
Dear Gunther,

I'm afraid I have no .lrtimelapse/ folder at ALL. I've just had a ls -a in terminal, found a lot of hidden folders, but no /lrtimelapse.
Is this a folder that should have been created automatically by LRT 1.5 or previous version ? Does it help if I create this folder by myself ?

Thanx again for your precious help,

#4 Gunther
(2011-08-05, 12:34)ridindave Wrote: I'm afraid I have no .lrtimelapse/ folder at ALL. I've just had a ls -a in terminal, found a lot of hidden folders, but no /lrtimelapse.
Is this a folder that should have been created automatically by LRT 1.5 or previous version ? Does it help if I create this folder by myself ?

Please try creating the folder /Users/dave/.lrtimelapse/ and make sure LRTimelapse has permission to write and create folders inside. It's strange, I've never heard of a case like this.
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#5 monterocas
I'm having the same problem with an iMac running MacOs 10.6.8. Same problem with the stubs not being able to save. For those of us who aren't programmers, can you please explain how to add the code to the file "user.props"? Thank you.

#6 Gunther
Have you updated to 1.5.2? There was a bug in 1.5.1, see: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-lrti...5-2-bugfix

Regarding the .lrtimelapse directory:

Normally LRTimelapse creates a Directory called .lrtimelapse inside your user directory. On Windows: c:\users\your_name\.lrtimelapse

On Mac it might be hidden because of the leading "."

Inside that directory a file user.props is created, where some settings are stored.

Furthermore LRTimelapse stores its stubs (previews) in a subdirectory stubs

It is important, that LRTimelapse is able to create the .lrtimelapse folder and has the rights to write to it. Normally that works like a charm, i've not heard a case where this haven't been possible, so I assume you ran into the bug of 1.5.1.

Please let me know if you got it working.

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#7 monterocas
I downloaded 1.5.2 and the problem is gone. Works like a charm. Thank you!
#8 TheRedOwl
I went from 1.4 to the newest 1.5.2 and now LRTimelapse does not work on my Mac. I constantly get the "Could not write stub for IMG_0014.xmp. Is /Users/tbaurain/.lrtimelapse/stubs/-1174902947/.IMG_0014.jpg writable? " I used a Terminal command to reveal all hidden files and .lrtimelapse is not there. Not sure if it matters but I am using .CR2 camera raw files, not JPEG. Help!
#9 Gunther
Please make sure, that there is a .lrtimelapse folder in the given location and make it writable. I don't know, why there seem to be cases where LRTimeapse cannot create that folder on it's own.
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#10 TheRedOwl
(2011-09-10, 17:48)gwegner Wrote: Please make sure, that there is a .lrtimelapse folder in the given location and make it writable. I don't know, why there seem to be cases where LRTimeapse cannot create that folder on it's own.

I had to use this http://osxdaily.com/2010/05/10/create-a-...-mac-os-x/
To create a hidden folder in OS X named .lrtimelapse - we'll see if this ails my troubles.

Bug report: When I only had metadata for the first picture, for some reason it put IMG_0001.CR2 at the END of the list of photos. IMG_0002 - IMG_1227 were in order. When I used Bridge to copy the metadata to ALL the pictures, not just the first, it listed IMG_0001 - IMG_1227 in order.

EDIT: WOOHOO! Happy to report LRTimelapse is working perfectly again. I just had to use the hidden folder tutorial I just posted here to create a /.lrtimelapse folder and that fixed my troubles.

...also check out: