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778 - Develop side window. Cannot return slider to 0 with mouse, more issues below.

#1 cbro
Windows 10 Pro LrTimelapse PRO 6.0 beta 13 build 778

While changing develop settings within LRTimelapse I noticed some issues with the new window.

Cannot return slider back to normal (0) after moving the arrow. Goes to either -1 or 1. Would be nice if a double click on the arrow would do that like in lightroom.
Cannot enter numbers into the number box to the right of the slider. Can highlight the number but not enter a new number or delete the current one to enter a new value.
Cannot resize the whole develop window at all.
#2 cbro
Other issues to go with above.

When hover over the blue slider arrow the numbers are off. When a slider is in the default position (like 0 for all tone sliders) the number comes up as 50 rather than 0. I guess meaning 50 percent of the slider.

No undo for any changes in the sliders. A ctrl-z undo is definitely expected and needed.
#3 Gunther
To reset the slider double click on the Label of the slider, this is the same as in Lightroom. But I'll add a double click detection on the slider handle for a reset also in the next version.

Directly entering numbers is currently not supported, feel free to file this as a feature request in the appropriate forum.
Resizing the Editing panel is not possible because I think it's not necessary.

You are right about the tooltips, thanks. They are wrong. I'll fix this for the next version.
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#4 Gunther
RC1 is now out with the mentioned changes.
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