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77E Unsaved changes dialog box not showing buttons

#1 cbro
When changing folders the "Unsaved changes" dialog does not show lower right buttons. See attachment.
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#2 cbro
seems to be fixed after restart
#3 Gunther
That dialog looks strange - it doesn't show the right font that's why the dialog is too short. Normally in LRTimelapse the Dialogs etc wouldn't appear in a Monotype font. I'm attaching a screenshot of how it normally looks like.

Are you on a standard Windows? Did you change anything regarding the font configuration in your windows? Can you send me the log file? (info menu)
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#4 cbro
I have no changes to WIN 10 fonts or anything like that. After restarting the program everything looks fine when the window comes up now.
#5 Gunther
Glad that's solved.
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