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Advantages of LRT Pro Timer 2.5

#1 Pretender
Hi All

Would appreciate some feedback on the LRT Pro Timer 2.5.

I am just getting back into timelapse after a number of months busy doing other filming tasks. I have just seen the new Timer and it looks good. My first thought was why would I need it?

Originally I was using the Emotimo TB3 as my intervalometer. Fine as a starter but has its limitations. Moved to qDslr as both an intervalometer and exposure ramping tool. The Live View Activation to remove aperture flicker was great - however I noticed it did introduce another issue. The wifi speed/buffering limitation dictated there needed to be at least 3.5 seconds between shots (after exposure interval). If not and depending on how quick the interval was there would be a few quick shots to try and catchup. This was NOT the case when using the TB3 as the intervalometer. The simple analysis of this is that if I wanted to use aperture ramping - I have to use the intervalometer in qDslr which then meant my shot interval must be greater than 3.5 secs (to ensure no trigger lag). For anything else I could use the intervalometer in the TB3. Have I missed something in my conclusion of trigger lag using qDslr as the intervalometer?

So with this as a foundation, does the ProTImer 2.5 give all the advantages of the qDslr intervalometer but remove the lag in trigger activation due to the downloading of the image? Are there other advantages of the Pro Timer over the intervalometer in qDslr?

Very much appreciate your input.

Thanks in advance
#2 MMeier
Hi Craig

In the comparison of the intervalometer of qDSLRdashboard and the Pro Timer for me the biggest advantage is that I am not dependent on the WiFi connection between iPad and camera. So if the connection crashes the Pro Timer will still be working (and my sequence will not be ruined) and I could restart qDSLRdashboard in case am I doing a holy grail. For other situations I will only run my time lapses with the Pro Timer.

Best regards
#3 Gunther
And yes, the LRT Pro Timer is designed to shoot with the minimal dark times (shutter lag) possible. In combination with qDslrDashboard on my setup I can work with darktimes of 1/2 Second, if I need to (Raw+Smallest JPGs etc.).

The difference is that the LRT Pro timer will trigger the camera via the remote connector, while qDDB would do that via USB or Wifi - which would take much more time. For everything else but the built in intervalometer qDDB works like a charm.

I just use both in combination and take advantage of the best of both tools: the shortest darktimes and interval ramping etc. with the LRT Pro timer and the best and fastest Exposure/Iso/Aperture ramping with qDslrDashboard/ControlMyCamera.

If you didn't see my videos, I recommend to check them out:
- the advantages of the LRT Pro Timer: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt
- Shooting the Holy Grail with LRT PT and qDDB: https://lrtimelapse.com/gear/dslrdashboard/
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