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Anamorphic Desqueeze/Display proper Aspect Ratio in Lr

#1 JSH10K
Hello, I have been using LRTimelapse since 2014 and it has been a great resource. Lately I have been shooting TL with Anamorphic lenses and it's a bit of a hassle to process the images without being able to see the final aspect ratio in Lr. Has anyone successfully figured out a way to correctly display desqueezed images in Lr? It would be incredible if LRTimelapse was able to edit the Default Scale exif parameter to make the images display properly, but that may be outside the scope of its mission statement?

Thanks for any help...
#2 Gunther
Can you send me one of those original images via wetransfer or Dropbox to support@lrtimelapse.com
Also which Éxif Parameter exactly are you talking about? And which value would be required?
Did you already tried to set that parameter via exiftool and can you confirm that lightroom interprets it correctly?
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#3 JSH10K
Email sent with link to files! The relevant Exif parameter is Default Scale. Lr does interpret and display the Anamorphic images correctly after reading the Metadata, but only for DNG images. There are more details in my email...


#4 Gunther
Hi Josh,
I've evaluated your files. As you said, with DNG files Adobe seems to be applying the DefaultScale Property correctly.
Unfortunately not with ARW files or NEF files, which I also tried.
There is not much to be found online, but others seem to be reporting the same issues, like: https://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/66545674

Unfortunately, since the ACR engine used in LrC and DNG Converter doesn't evaluate the DefaultScale for RAW files, there is not much I can do in LRTimelapse, I'm really sorry.
The way to go, would be to place a feature request/bug report at Adobe and ask them to implement the DefaultScale property support for Raw files as they already did for DNGs.
Until then, I think, your best option is to do the DNG conversion and then continue working with the DNGs.

I'm sorry that currently I cannot solve this problem for you. Please keep me posted, if you hear from Adobe!
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#5 JSH10K
Thank you Gunther! I will let you know if I get any help from Adobe.

...also check out: