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How do I limit the minimum ISO?

#1 nerdybails
I've started testing the dslrdashboard in some tests and a problem I've been having is it doesn't seem to stop at 100iso during sunrises, how do I set it to not push iso to 64 like it is now?
I have it set to sunrise, and set the reference image, but say (in this case) it doesn't stop the iso at 100 and start ramping the shutter, it just keeps the shutter locked at 1/160th and pushed iso from 100 down to 80 and then 64.

I'd rather have the ability to "push" the settings in a certain direction as I want it to drop shutter speed once it gets to iso 100 and not keep dropping ISO below that.

Thanks in advance, loving all this awesome software.

Also, I upgraded to the latest v0.1.4 beta off http://dslrdashboard.info/ as I was using an older version from the old google code site, I'm seeing the same issue across both versions.
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I'm not sure how Zoltan implemented that. I'm not sure either, if we should set ISO 100 as hard coded lowest ISO, there are cameras out there where ISO200 is the lowest. I guess Zoltan uses the lowest available ISO before switching.
So we would need a "lowest" ISO setting accordingly when using Sunrise mode, maybe he can implement that.
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#3 nerdybails
Yeah exactly, I'm on a D800 so native is 100, but I don't push into extended iso modes because it's only sacrificing quality, but it must be even worse for native iso200 cameras.
#4 hubaiz
I could use the 'Max ISO' setting (rename it to Min/Max ISO) and use it when 'Sunrise' is used.
I think it is not needed to add a separate Min ISO selector.
What do you think?
#5 Gunther
I think, since we now have the "safety corridor" feature (reverse correction), it might be better to be able to define a max and a min ISO - min defaulting to the lowest ISO available, but not less then 100. Max. defaulting to 3200 like currently.
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#6 nerdybails
I think the use of sunset/sunrise to limit the iso might be a good way to approach it as you describe hubaiz.
But I'm happy to just make that a global setting, eg. except for edge cases, I would always limit my min iso to 100 and always max out my iso at 3200.
It's also odd that it is hitting iso before shutter, since shutter is not at max values, it should always (in my mind) hit shutter before hitting ISO for exposure until reaching max values.
limit exposure
2014-03-26, 19:50
Last Post: romain

...also check out: