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Artifacts / Major Pixellation in Rendered Video

#1 usmaan
Hi everyone. For a few specific sequences (and only those ones), I've had an issue where the final rendered video from LRTimelapse (version 5) has major artifacts / pixellations / visual glitches in many frames - an example is included in the attached image. I've checked the individual frames - they are not there. I've re-exported the sequence from LRTimelapse - same thing happened. I've copied the raw files to a different directory, started from scratch, made the same edits in Lightroom, and the final render via LRTimelapse still has the same artifacts. Has anyone else had this issue? Any idea of a fix for this? Perhaps I'm missing an easy fix.
Fan of all things epic & adventurous.
Attached Files
#2 usmaan
I saw a couple other posts where Gunther provided a fix for this by changing the render settings as the scene's movement may be too much for MP4 files. I'll try those fixes to see if it changes anything.
Fan of all things epic & adventurous.
#3 Gunther
Most likely you ignored the warning in the Render dialog about rendering outside the MP4 specs. There is an faq explaining this: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-wei...5#pid39015
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#4 usmaan
Thanks, Gunther. My render dialog box doesn't give me any warning for some reason (perhaps it did some months ago, but not at the moment). Cropping the video to 16:9 took care of the issue. Thanks!
Fan of all things epic & adventurous.
Combining Video Clips
Steve Jones
2022-03-15, 18:38
Last Post: artymoriera

...also check out: