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Auto transition problem

#1 mexican
Hello, since I upgraded yesterday to LR 6, today I decided to upgrade LRT to the most recent version as well. I was just a bit curious how the new version of LR performs and I tried to re-process one timelapse I shot couple of months ago.

My problem is, that after I reload the metadata from LR into LRT after I processed the keyframes and click the Auto Transition button, the transitions are computed between the first and last frame of the whole sequence rather than between keyframes.

After reloading metadata I see that correct processing information (exposure etc.) was loaded from them.

I'm using Windows trial version.

What am I doing wrong?
#2 Gunther
Would you mind to posting some screenshots?
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#3 mexican
No problem.
On one picture you can see, that frame #24 has exposure -0.87, so I'd expect the autotransition to compute values starting at -1.15 at frame 0 and ending at -0.87 at frame 24.

The last frame of the whole sequence has exposure 0.00 and the computed values on the second screenshot represent transition from -1.15 to 0 through the whole sequence



...also check out: