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Auto Transition Special Question

#1 tetsusaiga
I'm trying to shoot a sunset to night holygrail timelapse.

I followed the tutorial by Gunther, but I see that the naming convention in his video and the current version of LRTimelapse for the "Auto Transition Special" options are different.

I'm assuming that they have the same function, just named differently, right?

Since I'm trying to do a a sunset to night holygrail timelapse, it would seem from the video that I need to select "All But HG (****)" for my Auto Transition Special.

Don't I need to select Holy Grail Exposure (**/***) instead?

#2 Gunther
You are right, It's just the naming that changed. The 2nd layer of keyframes are with 4*, just leave the setting at the default (****).
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#3 tetsusaiga
Sorry, I'm a bit confused now. Do I select "All But HG (****)" or "Holy Grail Exposure (**/***)"???

Also, when I create holy grail keyframes, it asked me if the Exposure/ISO were changed while shooting the sequence.

I used Magic Lantern's Auto-ETTR, so do I answer yes or no to the keyframe Exposure/ISO question? I think the answer is yes, since the ISO and exposure is automatically changed, but just wanted to make sure.

Also, when I create other keyframes, the square green keyframes are not plotted on the yellow curve like in the tutorial. Instead, the square green keyframes are plotted on the cyan curve. What did I do wrong?

#4 tetsusaiga
I followed the holy grail timelapse tutorial exactly the way it's shown in the video, but I still get flicker in my final timelapse.

Can someone please answer my questions above. I'm wondering if I did something wrong.

Any help would be really appreciated.
#5 Gunther
With ETTR you should answer "yes", because basically this is doing a "holy grail" approach as well.

The position of the green keyframes changed in the last version, that's fine.

When doing the second layer of keyframes (4*) you of course have to leave the option on "All but HG (****)" to make a transition on those keyframes, and not the 2*/3* ones (they already have their transitions).
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2015-11-06, 11:24
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: