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B3: No joy rendering video in 6. Switched to 5.8, still no joy.

#1 jcastar
Sent detailed email to support with initial issue of video creation never starting after Lightroom export. I even did a clean install - fully uninstalling LRtimelapse, restarting and reinstalling LRtimelapse 6. It still wouldn't pick up after the export was completed.

I had new work to process so I fully uninstalled the beta then installed 5.8 and it wouldn't render either!
Lightroom is showing it is using the 5.8 version but no joy and no error message. I can see all of the jpgs - that part seems normal.
Not sure what the next step is. Please advise. Thanks.

#2 jcastar
Gunther emailed me the fix - "reset settings" fixed the issue immediately with 5.8. I might try 6 again to see if that solves it there too.
#3 Gunther
Beta 5 is now available for download and fixes this issue: https://lrtimelapse.com/download/

I'm closing this thread now. Please open a new one, if necessary.
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