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B7: Render video refers to wrong task/output file

#1 fveldmans
When I render directly from LRTimelapse using the Render Video button, the window that opens refers to a previously opened folder, not the currently selected one. Both the task and the output file are incorrect. The setting at the top is "Render pre-exported intermediary sequence (from Lightroom)" (which is correct).

After some more testing, I see that I get the same result every time, no matter what folder I select. Restarting LRT doesn't help either.

Using beta 7 on Windows 10.
#2 Gunther
Render Pre Exported Sequence will render an intermediary sequence which was exported from lightroom. By default the dialog will show the intermediary sequence that you rendered the last time (for potential rerendering). This mode is the same that was present in LRT5.

The new mode is "Export and Render Current Sequence" which will do a direct export and render in LRTimelapse and show the preview of the sequence that is currently loaded into the main window.

Please double check, I think what you are describing is normal behavior. Also check tutorial with the news in LRT6 where I explain this.
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#3 fveldmans
I had the idea that using the render video button I could (re-)render a sequence that was already generated in Lightroom. As far as I remember that's how it worked in LR5 too. But you probably know best :-)

What I tried now was to keep the setting to "Render pre-exported intermediary sequence (from Lightroom)" and select the folder with my intermediary files. I then get the error message "No suitable image sequence found. F:\Timelapses\<remainder of path> Only JPG and TIFF (Intermediary) Sequences can be used for direct rendering.". While that location *does* contain a sequence, so that doesn't seem correct.

Independent of how the feature is working now, wouldn't it make sense that if you use this option you get the appropriate task and output file filled in already? That is information that is available when you export from Lightroom (I don't know whether the LRT plugin stores that information?).
#4 Gunther
I'm not sure if you are really experiencing a bug or if it's a misunderstanding.
There are two render modes in LRT 6:
1.) "Render Preexported Intermediary Sequence (From Lightroom)"
This is the mode that has been present in LRT5 already. You export from Lightroom via the LRTExport Plugin, then the render dialog gets automatically called with the exported Intermediary Sequence (jpg or tiff) (not ! the original Raw Sequence).

2.) "Export and Render current sequence"
Will do the export and render internally in LRTimelapse. Here the sequence currently loaded in the main LRT window will be rendered.

Mode 1 should work as you are used to in LRT5. If not, please describe exactly what's different.
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#5 fveldmans
Thanks for explaining. This is also how I understood it.

To understand exactly why I thought it was different in LRT5 I downgraded to that version. Like you said, it actually behaves the same. The confusion came from the fact that it filled task and output file with the most recent video rendered from Lightroom, independent of the folder you select in LRT itself. LRT6 does the same thing.

In beta 7 choosing another "path with rendered time lapse sequence" didn't work. In beta 8 this works fine now.

So no bugs, just a feature request left ;-)

Assuming intermediate sequences have already been generated from Lightroom, would it be possible that LRT automatically selects the right task and output file based on the folder that is selected in LRT itself? This would need a link between the folder (that contains the source RAW files) and the path to the intermediate sequence and output video file. I saw this information is already available in the .lrt\.lrtsequenceproperties file stored in the source folder.

So the workflow would be:
1. First time, generate sequence and video file from the export plugin in Lightroom.
2. Second time, when you want a different video (e.g. without motion blur or different resolution) you go to LRT, select the correct source folder, click the Render video button and you have all data automatically set up in the Render Video part of the dialog. Make the change to the post processing configuration and click Render Video.
#6 Gunther
Could you please post your feature request in the feature request forum, then I can keep track of it. I'll think about it for one of the next updates.
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