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Batch process problems/issues

#1 wernerjb
Sorry to bother you.
I'm running 2 batches and now I'm trying to get back to one of the running batches, but it is not possible. It I can see in the preview the picture of the batch I'm trying to access but it is slightly smaller and as soon as I move the cursor of the pictures will disappear.
Also, I'm not able to delete any directory.
WIN11 Version 6.5.2 beta 3 (2023-14-09)

#2 Gunther
Hi Werner,
if you hover over a folder, you'll see the somewhat smaller preview.
But as long as a batch is running on this folder (the folder in the tree will be displayed in red when locked), you won't be able to load it into the main window. You need to wait until the batch is finished (or abort it) in order for the folder to get released for direct loading and processing.
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#3 wernerjb
Hello Gunther
OK thank you. I need to learn more on batch processing. The folder is actually red/pink when it is in processing mode. I have only one folder which is gray, and it has some pix I removed.
#4 Gunther
Yes, of course, your are right, it's red when it's locked.
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