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Batch render settings / single file editing

#1 yrunde
Hi Gunther,

Thanks for all your work on this program, enjoying the multi-pass deflickering and options to control whether it tries to adjust closer/further away from the curve. A few questions I couldn't find any answers to after searching.

First is related to batch render - the other day i set up a batch render of 20 shots w/ NO motion blur as default setting. Then i wanted to see what they look like with medium motion blur, I queued up the same 20 sets of intermediaries but only the first 3 or so got the motion blur, the rest just rendered out per the default setting again. I thought I was crazy/misplaced the new files, but the timestamp on the video files showed that they indeed got re-rendered. How do I get a batch render to conform to settings other than the default? Or did LRT replace my originals but not rename? (Kind of hard to tell w/o having the two versions side-to-side to compare)

Other question is regarding workflow - often I will edit aggressively and see what deflicker can accomplish, if it's acceptable (or is within some minor single image edits to become acceptable) then great, if not I  will re-edit the sequence. In LRT4 I used to just look at the visual preview, find the issues, go to lightroom and load metadata, edit the single shots in question, reload in LRT and have it redo the transitions. Lightroom seemed to never have a problem before but now that the "Save" button has disappeared in LRT5, I am sometimes getting lots of "Metadata conflict" from lightroom even after the last edit to the metadata should have been from lightroom, not LRT. This will have impacts on the new sequence's deflicker. My process is: reset deflicker, make sure the red line is gone, reload->auto transition->visual preview->deflicker. in some of these cases, the result of the new deflicker seems to be calcing off the old curve (from before i edited in lightroom a second time), even though lightroom should have been the latest to save a copy of the metadata, and thus the 30-40mins spent rendering visual preview 2x again is wasted. This has been really frustrating as a timesink so wanted to know if I am doing something wrong or something has changed in the way deflicker/metadata is handled vs LRT4.

#2 Gunther
First: When batch rendering, LRTimelapse wil use the edit settings for the individual files, that you set before. This is especially usefull, since you might have defined some sequences for using Motion Blur and some not. If you want to force all sequences to have motion blur when batch rendering, check the "Lock" checkbox at the right of Motion Blur. This will force the current setting to all batch rendered sequences.

Second: the save button in the second row was removed, because activating the visual previews will not save automatically. But of course, there might be situations where you would like to save manually, just use the save button in the first row. They actually do exactly the same (in LRT4 they where duplicate just to indicate the workflow).
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#3 yrunde
thanks for the response! i am not sure how i missed the "lock" button, sorry about that.

thanks also for clarifying, it was kind of unclear that the deflicker being saved to the metadata also impacts how the image looks in lightroom - so what i was doing wrong was just not reloading the metadata every time i go from LRT->lightroom.

lastly this is fluff, but is there a way to save the visual preview data along with a snapshot? it would be useful to be able to make alternative edits and be able to revert without having to do the visual preview render + deflicker render every single time.

thanks again for your work!
#4 Gunther
This would of course increase the size of the snapshots being kept. But please feel free to add this as a feature request to the feature requests board.
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