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Cannot view Volumes/HDD

#1 ErixPix
First time user here with a 2018 MBPro with Monterey 12.67. I'm trying to find my folder with my images. It's located on an external HD. I can see the HD, however, I can't open the HD. I've tried refreshing but no help. One thing that could be the trouble is that I also use this external HD to backup my computer with Time Machine. Lightroom does not have problems using this HD. If this is the problem, should I copy these images to another external HD that doesn't have Time Machine backups on it? If so, what happens with the images when Lightroom looks for them?
#2 Gunther
You need to allow full disk access to LRTimelapse as described in the faq:

External drives will be found under "Volumes" in LRTimelapse.
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