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LRT PRO Timer and TL+ View on Sony A7R4

#1 Mhelit
Hello I have the LRT plus view and I use it on my Sony a7r4. The cord is a USB to type C the USB plugs into the plus view and the type c goes into my Sony A7r4. I see that the LRT pro three does not have a USB connection . Will the Sony RM-SPR1 cord work on the Sony a7r4 or does it have to be a 2.5 to a type C cord?
#2 Gunther
Sorry, about which device are you talking? There is our "LRT PRO Timer 3" which is an intervalometer and then there is the "Timelapse Plus View" which is from another manufacturer and is a ramping device.
I've explained the differences in the faq: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt/faq/

Please clarify your question. If it's about the Timelapse Plus View, please use the "Other Ramping Solutions Board" or even better, contact the manufacturer directly.
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#3 Mhelit
I currently use the timelapse plus view. And was looking to get the LRT pro timer three and it looks like the cord that you use for those are different ?and before I buy the LRT pro timer three i want to make sure it works with the Sony a7R4.
#4 Gunther
You would connect the LRT PRO Timer via the Sony Multiport (looks like a longer version of a micro USB plug).
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#5 Mhelit
Ok I found sony multiport now thanks
#6 Johann-S
und welches Kabel (Stecker) ist dann zu benutzen, der Stecker S2 passt bei der A IV nicht

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