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Changing length of end video time?

#1 MBRPhoto
I have a timelapse that I feel is too long, what is the best way to shorten? Accelerating to 300% in Premiere gets it a little jittery. Is it better to start deleting frames? Is there another way?

#2 c_joerg
Mostly i use only every second or third frame. Sometimes I average them before I reducing them.
You could also render the video with 60fps and export them with Premiere to 30fps. But always use fixed ratio. Never go from 50 to 30fps.
#3 MBRPhoto
Thanks, will try that. Manually deleting frames seems like a long way to go about it...
Thanks again!
#4 c_joerg
Quote:Manually deleting frames seems like a long way to go about it.
I never delete, I just move to a sub folder. I use a script for this.

Easy delete for every second picture:
Delete *0.jpg
Delete *2.jpg
Delete *4.jpg
Delete *6.jpg
Delete *8.jpg
#5 Gunther
You can use the "select every nth frame" in the edit menu in Lrtimelapse. Then "new folder from selection" to easily remove every 2nd, 3rd etc image.
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#6 c_joerg
Is it possible, to make first the motion blure and then "select every nth frame"?
#7 MBRPhoto
OMG, genius!! Thanks!!
#8 Gunther
@c_joerg: no, because Motion Blur is being applied while rendering. And "select every nth" is being applied on the raw files.
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