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Color deviations in Rec.2020 workflow with Davinci Resolve

#1 Richard15
Hi Gunther,

I've tried to follow your instructions for the Davinci Resolve Rec.2020 workflow (https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-dav...s-with-lrt) but still can't get the same colors in Resolve as in Lightroom.

There are some screenshots attached which hopefully help to solve my problem:

#1: Lightroom LRTExport Settings -> Default 4K JPG
- The exported jpegs are looking fine to me.
#2: LRTimelapse Render Settings -> DNxHR / 444 / Full Range / Wide (Rec.2020)
#3: Davinci Resolve Project Settings -> Color Managed / SDR Rec.2020 / Rec.2020 Gamma 2.4
#4: Davinci Resolve Input Color Space -> Rec.2020 Gamma 2.4 (auto detected)
#5: Comparison Lightroom (left) to Davinci Resolve
- The clip in Resolve looks flat with blown out highlights

As recommended I'm using the MPC-HC player. The final video (rendered with Resolve) looks like the clip in Resolve so I guess there is something wrong with my settings at the beginning of the workflow.

Switching to 16bit TIFF in LRTExport didn't solve the issue.

The software I'm using:

Windows 11
LRTimelapse Pro 7.0 beta 11
Lightroom Classic 13.1
Davinci Resolve 18.6

Kind regards
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I've tried to reproduce this but couldn't.
With the latest Reslove, try to use "Auto Color Management" in Resolve, it should detect the sequence fine and do everything automatically (see screenshot).

Also make sure that your monitor has a wide gamut and is properly calibrated so that Resolve and Lightroom can pick up the monitor profile.
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#3 Richard15
"Auto Color Management" with Output Color Space "SDR Rec.709" is working fine and the result looks a lot more like the edited photos in Lightroom, even with the smaller color space.

The monitor doesn't have a wide gamut so I will ditch Rec.2020 for now. I thought I would get the same colors in Lightroom and Resolve as long as I review them on the same monitor - no matter how good its quality is. But this is probably the mistake?

Looking forward to learn a lot about color spaces, screens and calibration Wink

Thank you for your help!
#4 Gunther
I think that's a misunderstanding.
If you set Output Color Space to Rec.2020 you'd need a Monitor that is calibrated to Rec.2020 - rather unusual.
The way I told you, you will take profit from the Rec.2020 intermediates but still be monitoring in Rec.709 on your Hardware.
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#5 Richard15
Understood, many thanks for the clarification!

...also check out: