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Color Issues with Output Videos in Post Production

#1 PinyonRidge
I am seeing something happen with my latest projects I don't remember seeing in the past. When I output a video from LRTimelapse — whether it is H265 1080p or ProRes 422 or 444 with either 2020 or 709 gamuts — the resulting video looks great and as expected, But if I work with it elsewhere — Media Encoder, Topaz Labs Video AI for example — the resulting export, usually to the same codec, looks dull and flat in color and saturation.Is anyone else experiencing this? Any idea what is happening?
#2 Gunther
You need to make sure to export in a color space that the destination program is able to detect and work with.
Common sense is Rec 709, 420, Limited Range. Best use those.

LRTimelapse tags every other settings correctly too, but many programs are not able to do correct color management if you deviate from those settings.
Please check the FAQ's regarding Color Management. https://lrtimelapse.com/faq/
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#3 PinyonRidge
Both Media Encoder and Topaz Video AI can do ProRes 444. This is not a problem I encountered previously with ProRes 444 files output in LRTimelapse and converted in Adobe Media Encoder. And, this is happening regardless of whether I output in Rec 709 or Rec 2020.

I will be testing soon if this happens through Adobe Premiere or After Effects, both of which can handle the settings.
#4 PinyonRidge
Also, my producer would never accept ProRes 420 for his productions.
#5 Gunther
I didn't change anything regarding the Video export or Color management in the last updates and also I got no complaints from other users. Please double check what's going on.
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