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Commercial use? What about ADSENSE on Youtube?

#1 Jastar
Hi mates, i'm a hobby photographer and thinking about to buy a privat license for 99$.

There is a big ? in my mind, on the LRT compare site of the versions it says just the big version is allowed for commercial use, but that one is too expensive for me.

I think i'm going to make far less than 5 movies a year, is it allowed to put these movies on youtube and earn this quite few pennies with the google commercial service ADSENSE also called "monetarisieren" or something else in german.

Is this commercial use or just hobby and allowed?

Thanks for answering this question.
#2 Gunther
Hi Jastar, that's totally okay! You can use your private license as long as the total income of your time lapse sales is below 500€. You can find this in the user license agreement: http://lrtimelapse.com/eula
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#3 Jastar
Thank you for the quick response.

...also check out: